Para-Thyroid Discorders

Para thyroid disorders are a group of illnesses that affect the parathyroid glands. The most common is hyperparathyroidism, which may be diagnosed by blood tests, X-rays or bone scans.

Parathyroid Glands Para thyroid is a disorder of a parathyroid. The main function of parathyroid glands is to maintain the proper level of serum calcium and phosphate. In some Parathyroid Gland Disorders, abnormal production or release of parathyroid hormone results in hypercalcemia or hypocalcemia.
Para thyroid disorders refers to any disorder caused by the underactivity of the parathyroid gland. Parathyroid hormone is one of the hormones that regulate calcium and phosphorus levels in the blood stream. When there are changes in the levels of these hormones, it may lead to trouble with calcium and phosphorus metabolism. In this article, we will discuss how para thyroid disorders are diagnosed and treated.

Parathyroid disorders are very common, affecting millions of people worldwide. Symptoms of a parathyroid disorder usually occur within days or weeks following the onset of an inflammatory process in the body’s tissues. In severe cases, symptoms can be life-threatening and there is a need for immediate medical attention. Parathyroid disorders are associated with high blood pressure (hypertension), osteoporosis, sudden cardiac arrest and some types of cancer. Para thyroid disorders are named after the para, which means beside and thyroid glands.

Para thyroid disorders are a group of diseases in which the normal function of your thyroid gland is disturbed. Some of them are life-threatening if not treated early. People who have one of these disorders can get their symptoms and treatment by seeing their doctor.

Parathyroid disorders (primary, secondary and tertiary) are caused by abnormalities with the parathyroid glands and can lead to severe hypocalcemia and hypercalcemia. Symptoms may include muscle weakness or pain with movement or weight-bearing, constipation or diarrhea, constricted pulse pressure, slow heart rate and trouble breathing. Treatment is achieved by removing parathyroid glands surgically if they are not ruptured after exogenous calcification.

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